Congregation Beth Israel

Congregation Beth Israel

Home to the Jewish Community of Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Board of Directors

Congregation Beth Israel is governed by our trustees, officers and a board of directors that meets every month.

At our meetings we have a Presidents report as well as a secretary and treasurer who review all correspondence and accounts payables.

A detailed financial description is provided for our board members as well during these monthly meetings.

Our Spiritual Leader gives us her account of religious activities that occurred during the month.

We have many committee chairpersons who inform the board of events, both past an current that are important to the congregation.

Twice a year we have congregational gatherings that are held concurrent with the board meetings that allow our members to have input as to what events have transpired during this period.

Published minutes are send out to our board members following every monthly meeting.

We believe in transparency and all actions taken by our leaders must be approved at these monthly assemblies.


Past Presidents Council
Bernard Buzgon, Esq.
Joseph Clark, M.D.
Judith Clark
Stacey Knarr
Stuart Perlmutter
Benjamin Slotznick
Ed Greenebaum
Sara Schneider

Bernard Buzgon,Esq.
Joseph Clark, M.D.
Stuart Perlmutter                                                          Benjamin Slotznick                                                              Judith Clark

Fred Horowitz

Financial Secretary
Benjamin Shankroff

Board Secretary
Elizabeth Feller-Ballot

Honorary Trustees
Sara Schneider

Board of Directors

Marcia Buzgon
Barbara Fishman
Diane Griffiths
Thomas Kantor, M.D.
Linda Siegel
Sidney Pollack
Stephen Weiss
Jill Weiss
Sharon Greenebaum
Fred Shattls
Robert Magdule
Mindy Miller Lisman

Committee Chairs, 2023-2025

*Key Committee Chairmen

Adult Education
Judith & Joe Clark, M.D.

*Budget and Audit
David Siegel

Donald Clark & Joe Clark, M.D.

Council of Presidents
Judith Clark

Dues Committee
David Pleet & Benjamin Shankroff

Stuart Perlmutter

*Financial Planning & Development
Thomas Siegel, CPA

Stuart Perlmutter

Holiday Seating
Stuart Perlmutter

Joe Clark, M.D.

Allan Feldman

Fred Horowitz

Lebanon Holocaust Education Fund
Benjamin Slotznick Maninfior

Lecture Committee
Judith Clark & Joe Clark, M.D.

Library Committee

Barbara Fishman

Fred Horowitz & Thomas Kantor, M.D.

*Ritual Committee
Sara Schneider

Stephen Weiss

Sick and Visiting
Diane Griffiths

Social Chairman

Bernerd Buzgon, Esq. & Derek