For more information see the flyer from Central PA Small Congregations 2024-03-19 Bettina Brandt flyer Here is the registration link. Once registered, you will receive [...]
Explore Kohelet-Ecclesiastes guided by Rami Shapiro's The Way of Solomon. Bring a dairy or pareve lunch and join us the second Monday of the month. Please [...]
Spirited musical service to welcome Shabbat! Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly announcement email. Check your [...]
Traditional Shabbat service with Torah reading or Torah study. Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly email [...]
Spirited musical service to welcome Shabbat! Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly announcement email. Check your [...]
Traditional Shabbat service with Torah reading or Torah study. Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly email [...]
Spirited musical service to welcome Shabbat! Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly announcement email. Check your [...]
Traditional Shabbat service with Torah reading or Torah study. Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly email [...]
Spirited musical service to welcome Shabbat! Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly announcement email. Check your [...]
Traditional Shabbat service with Torah reading or Torah study. Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly email [...]
Explore Kohelet-Ecclesiastes guided by Rami Shapiro's The Way of Solomon. Bring a dairy or pareve lunch and join us the second Monday of the month. Please [...]
Spirited musical service to welcome Shabbat! Non-members wishing to attend in person must pre-register HERE. Zoom links are distributed in the weekly announcement email. Check your [...]